Lab 4: GUI Enigma (Replacement) | CS 2113 Software Engineering - Spring 2024

Lab 4: GUI Enigma (Replacement)

View the video for this lab on YouTube


Use your solutions from Lab 1 for this assignment (or see the .class files at the bottom of these instructions if you did not receive full credit for that lab):

You will be writing two additional files from scratch, so you should create them now:

Github setup

Use git, as discussed in Lab 0, to create a repo called gitusername-lab4, add these five files to it, and commit and push the changes to github. The timestamp of your invitation of the grader as a collaborator must be from this lab session.

Running your program

Run your lab on the command line by executing the following pipeline after compiling all your files:

java EnigmaGUI

Testing your lab

There is no test script for this lab. Your grade is based on running your GUI and testing different input/outputs.

Enigma GUI

In this lab, you are going to write a GUI wrapper around the Enigma program you wrote as part of lab-1.

Reviewing how Engima worked

If you recall, that lab required you to complete three classes

To decrypt and encrypt, you provided the settings as command line arguments:

                  ,-- inner rotor initially positioned so X is on top
                  |,-- middle rotor initially positioned so # is on top
                  ||  ,-- outer rotor initially positioned so Y is on top
                  || /
java Comms 4 2 3 "X#Y" encrypt
           | | |
           | | `-- outer rotor is rotor 3
           | `-- middle rotor is rotor 2
           `-- inner rotor is rotor 4

And then the input and output on the command line

~/$ java Comms 1 2 3 "###" encrypt
~/$ java Comms 3 1 2 "SAT" encrypt
~/$ java Comms 5 2 4 "EST" decrypt

Building a GUI

The purpose of this lab is to wrap all that functionality into a GUI. For example, here is a screenshot of a GUI implementation that you should be able to achieve:

Enigma GUI

You must use the following GUI elements in completing this lab

You can use any layout scheme you want for including these elements, but it should look something similar to the screenshot and be obvious in how to use it. For reference, I only used the BorderLayout, but you may find other layouts effective here. (Hint: you may also find it useful to create additional JPanels which organize different parts of your GUI, like the settings and the input/output areas.)


You must submit at least two classes

  • : the main method for launching the GUI
  • : the JFrame that contains the GUI

You may also create additional classes as you see fit to complete this assignment.

You should use your completed Enigma code from lab-1, but if you did not fully finish that assignment, you can use the following class files to complete this assignment. (Note that only compiled version of Enigma and Rotor are provided, but the full source of Comms is available.)

These class files are included in the starter code for your repository. If you want to use your own version, copy over your and file and compiles those, which will replace the existing class files.

Grading rubric and submission

Use git, as discussed in lab zero, to submit your work in a repo called gitusername-lab4. You will be graded on the following:

Item Points
the name of the repo for this lab matches the pattern gitusername-lab4 3
the grader has been added as a collaborator to the repo 4
the repo has been made private 3
three JComboBoxs are used to select the roto numbers 10
a JTextField is used to input the three starting characters 10
two JTextArea s are used to provide input/output to the GUI for the encrypt/decrypt tasks 10
two JButton s are used to select encrypt vs decrypt 10
five JLabel s are used to label all the fields shown in the example 10
one or more JPanels has been used to create a visually-pleasing layout like in the example image 10
the functionality from the command-line version of this lab is preserved identically in the GUI (i.e. it works for all inputs) 30